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The 2025–26 FAFSA® Form Is Now Available

The 2025–26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form is available to students and parents to complete through the myStudentAid mobile app and the website.

Click HERE to learn more!

Morgan State University Employees to Receive Overall 9% Pay Increase in 2022

Posted about 3 years ago  in Morgan State News.

Morgan State University today announced that with support from the administration of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, all eligible, full-time state employees working at Morgan will receive a cumulative 9% pay increase and a one-time bonus of $1,500. This is believed to be the highest annual increase of employee wages in Morgan’s 154-year history. The overall raise will come in a series of incremental increases over the next six months, beginning on Jan. 1. Employees will receive the retroactive increase and bonus during the second pay period in January.

This past summer, the University announced an overhaul of employee classifications and wages to address workforce inequities. The measure resulted in conversion of contractual employees to full-time with benefits and an increase of minimum wage pay to $15 per hour. The recently converted employees will be able to benefit from the pay increase.

“We offer our sincere appreciation to Gov. Hogan and his administration for extending these crucial resources and making it possible for us to continue supporting the great employees we have at Morgan,” said David K. Wilson, president of Morgan. “The last two years have been a tough period for all of us. All employees at Morgan—from the frontline staffers to our professors and administrators—have been very instrumental in moving the University forward during the pandemic. Therefore, I’m giving an equal amount of merit to everyone in full recognition of their efforts.”

The announcement of the pay increases comes as the Hogan Administration announces a pair of Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA) and pay equivalency increments, in addition to a one-time bonus for all state employees during the year 2022. The State will be adding the general funds to the University’s annual operating budget to cover the permanent salary increases. Employees will experience the compensation increments as follows:

January 1, 2022

  • 1% COLA
  • 2.5% Merit Increase
  • One-time Bonus $1,500

July 1, 2022

  • 3% COLA
  • 2.5% Merit Increase

Total pay increase for each employee over the next six months: 9% + $1,500.

“The resources we will receive from the State of Maryland are timely as they will allow us to properly compensate our dedicated employees. They have shown commitment, sacrifice and hard work during the COVID pandemic,” said Sidney H. Evans, Jr., executive vice president for Finance and Administration at Morgan. “We thank the Hogan administration again for its continued support and the positive impact it will have on the Morgan family. This makes my job as CFO that much easier.”

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